Saturday, July 12, 2014

Kidgits Event-Dino Days

Today we are at the Avenues mall for the Dino Days Event by Kidgits. You can register online to be a member for $5 and it gives you access to fun events at nearby Simon malls. There was a lot of activities and a puppet show! The girls got to: 

*Make dinosaur footprints

*Make a dino dirt cup (pudding, oreos,     and gummy worms)
*Get a dino tattoo

* Decorate a visor with dino stickers

* Make a paper plate dinosaur

* Get their face painted

* Dig for dinosaurs 

The puppet show was really cute and the elephant squirts water! The kids were cracking up. Overall it was very fun and definitely worth $5 for a year. Each child was given a goodie bag with a dinosaur claw toy and stickers and crayons in a cute dino box! We will be going to the back to school event in August for sure. 

Are you a Kidgits member? If not get online and check it out! 


Mother of Shadows

Friday, July 11, 2014

Free Chick Fil A and Free Slurpee Day!

Today was a fun day for the girls. We particpated in two fun and free events! July 11th is Cow Appreciation Day and Free Slurpee Day.
*Chick Fil A gave free meals when you came dressed as a cow! They even provided a free downloadable costume on their website!! Cant beat that! 

*7 Eleven gave away free small Slurpees all day (no gimmicks). It was easy all you did was walk in and there was an employee handing you a cup!! 

Bravo to Chick Fil A and 7 Eleven for providing fun and free events on these HOT summer days!

Monday, July 7, 2014

Words from the wise

The other day I was on the phone with my Mom and I was telling her how the girls constantly follow me. I was so annoyed! "Why cant I just walk from room to room without you following me? I cant even use the bathroom with you two barging in! Don't come in my room until you knock first!" My moms advice: "They are never gonna stop, that's just how it is". HUH?! Sometimes I feel like I have no space of my own.  Now, I realize that I am clearly not the only person that experiences this but lately its becoming too much... Maybe its the fact that school is out and I am struggling with school decisions. Maybe its the fact that I don't have a lot of friends with kids that are available for play dates often enough. Or maybe its simply the fact that Mommy needs a play date with her man(Daddy). Who knows what the right answer is? What I do know is that this time wont last forever..I wish that summer could stand still. I wish that the girls would stay young longer. I wish that being a grownup/parent wasn't so hard sometimes. I wish that answers were easier to get.

How many times have you been overwhelmed as a parent? Do your children shadow you? Are you struggling keeping them busy or entertaining them? I am having a hard time in Jacksonville finding exciting things for them to do. Thats why I decided to start this blog. Maybe I can put the spotlight on some fun things to do in JAX.

Recently, we started the NO BUMMER SUMMER challenge and the girls are loving it. We have made several crafts and done different activities. Even that is sometimes proving to bore them or provoke fights.. HELP! When you search the internet for fun things to do in Jax for kids, the same things come up! ZOO, Slinkees, Parks, Adventure Landing, etc.. but all of those things come with a price... Sometimes a steep one!

Is it possible to have fun in Jacksonville without going broke? We shall see...

Mother of Shadows